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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

Javi Caballero
Javi Caballero
7,422 Points

Bummer: AssertionError: None != 'baconinator' : I passed in 'bacon' and expected 'baconina I have a problem though, pe

Can anyone explain my mistake?

def suggest (product_idea) :
    prodvl = product_idea + "inator"
    if len(product_idea)<3:
        raise ValueError("Too short")
        return prodvl

    product = suggest("tpry")
    print (product)
except ValueError as  err:

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

In Python, indentation controls program flow. Where the "return" is now, it will never get executed because it is inside the "if" block, and after a "raise". It needs to be un-indented one step.

Also, this challenge only asks you to modify the function. You don't need any code after or outside of the function.

Javi Caballero
Javi Caballero
7,422 Points

I've made a function that creates brand new product names using "artificial intelligence".

I have a problem though, people keep on adding product ideas that are too short. It makes the suggestions look bad.

Can you please raise a ValueError if the product_idea is less than 3 characters long? product_idea is a string. Thanks in advance!

That's what it's telling me to do, the top is what I'm getting, btw.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Yes, and you got close, but you need to put the indentation of the "return" line back to where it was originally. And you can remove all the code below the function (from "try" on down).